You're a terrific writer with a great sense of humor and I always enjoy your articles. I'll share my own experiences for what it's worth. I've been on Medium since 2017 and they keep changing it up, so the main thing is hang in there and stay flexible. I didn't make it to Medium Day because I was traveling almost the entire month of August.
When I got back on August 20, I wrote two stories. Both of them got boosted, one in a publication and other I published in Partnered Pen. I can tell from the payment that boosted articles get some kind of bonus that goes beyond reads and responses. I don't have an in and I don't edit a publication, so I really can't tell you what they look for. I just keep writing because I enjoy it and usually have something I want to say. Most of my articles don't get boosted. Does this rambling help any? Just wanted to share my experience.