Yet we all have faith in things we can't prove. We base it on past precedence, our experiences, and reason. We believe the sun will rise tomorrow and our earth will not be struck by a meteor tomorrow based on these three things.
And what you say about buying into a religion because we are adopted into it wasn't what happened with the early Christians disciples, who were born into the Jewish religion.
It takes just as much faith to believe the precise, unique conditions for life on this earth arose by accident as it does to believe those conditions happened due to a creator's design. The same goes for the intricate workings of the human body, the variety and color of birds, etc. You have faith they occurred by random accident. I have faith it was by design. But either way requires a leap of faith.
When someone asked Paul what happened to people who had never heard of God, he replied that people know of God intrinsically, both because of the beauty of nature all around us, and because of the inner guidance about what is right and what is wrong. This revealed to me that people don't have to be exposed to a particular religion for the spirit of the creator to work in their hearts. They just need to overcome the world's penchant for evil to follow that guiding spirit.