I don't believe short fiction has ever performed well, either on this platform or anywhere else. But my bigger concern is that with the recent changes nothing is performing as well. Reads and stats have plunged.
My home page features the same stories for days at a time instead of different ones, which means not as many stories are being presented on anyone's home page. Also, curation appears to have plunged. Additionally, we used to get email correspondence telling us what percentage of writers made over $100, how much was paid for top articles, etc. These kinds of updates have stopped, as far as I can tell.
It's still a good platform and I enjoy it here. But I've decided to look at the changes this way: It's a blessing, because I'm going to spend less time here and begin working on several writing projects that have been on the back burner.
Anything that spurs me to branch out more as a positive. So there are my thoughts in not so much of a nutshell, as I've rambled on too long.