Actually despite what other countries have heard to the contrary from our media, poor people below the poverty level are covered by a program called Medicaid. It's middle class people without insurance or who have insurance outside of a federal government employee program and are still too young for Medicare who have it the hardest and often pay the highest premiums. My daughter had her pregnancies completely covered through Medicaid. My medical is covered because my husband is a retired teacher. Most of my friends have their many doctors visits and surgeries covered through their health insurance programs. My diabetic friend only pays a minimum for her medical needs. My sister, who is low income and suffered a stroke, had her hospitalization and several months of rehab covered with her barest minimum Medicare enrollment. Mangione is from a wealthy family and had no dealings at all with the insurance company that employed the man he targeted. Do people fall through the cracks and do insurance companies get greedy? Of course. Will any program remedy that? I doubt it.